Caulking & Assembly Technology
We perform a highly accurate caulking process to combine different materials, such as joining plastic and metal parts with metal rivets.

Industry's Highest Quality Control
Upon request, we can process rivets in a clean room to minimize the fine dust and dirt adhesion to the product during processing.
We can also perform rivet hardness measurements and tensile testing of parts to control the quality of riveted parts more strictly. In addition, we can also provide assembly services that require traceability. Please let us know if you have any further questions or concerns.

High-precision Caulking & Assembly for Battery Components
It is essential to minimize the generation of metal powder in the caulking and assembly of battery components. We have developed our own riveting machine to do so. This allows our customers have been confidently ordering our components we rivet and assemble for many years.

We will help you choose the best manufacturing process for your needs.
Available in both English and Japanese.
Our professional staff will provide you with detailed customer service.